All files / src/controllers consultant-details.controller.ts

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import {authenticate, AuthenticationBindings} from '@loopback/authentication';
import {UserRepository} from '@loopback/authentication-jwt';
import {inject} from '@loopback/core';
import {repository} from '@loopback/repository';
import {del, get, param, post, requestBody, response, Response, RestBindings} from '@loopback/rest';
import {roles} from '../config';
import {ConsultantDetailsRepository} from '../repositories';
import errorMessages from '../utils/errorMessages';
import {log} from "../utils/logMethod";
import successMessages from '../utils/successMessages';
import {failureHandler, getUID, isAdmin, successHandler, validatePayload} from './components';
import {baseResponse, consultantDetails} from "./requestSpecs";
import {currentUserType} from './types';
import {CreateType} from './types/consultant-details.controller.types';
export class ConsultantDetailsController {
    @repository(ConsultantDetailsRepository) public consultantDetailsRepository: ConsultantDetailsRepository,
    @inject(RestBindings.Http.RESPONSE) protected res: Response,
    @inject(AuthenticationBindings.CURRENT_USER) public currentUser: currentUserType,
    @repository(UserRepository) public userRepository: UserRepository,
  ) { }
  @response(200, consultantDetails)
  async create(@requestBody(consultantDetails) consultant: CreateType,): Promise<Response> {
    let methodName = "create"
    try {
      validatePayload(consultant, consultantDetails)
      Eif (!isAdmin(this.currentUser))
        throw {code: 403, message: errorMessages.permissionDenied, methodName}
      const foundConsultant = await this.userRepository.findOne({where: {UID: consultant.consultantUID}, include: ['role']})
      if (!foundConsultant || foundConsultant.role.roleType !== roles.consultant)
        throw {code: 422, message: errorMessages.dataNotFound, methodName}
      let ifBadgeExist = await this.consultantDetailsRepository.findOne({where: {consultantUID: consultant.consultantUID, badgeName: consultant.badgeName, }});
      if (ifBadgeExist)
        throw {code: 422, message: errorMessages.dataAlreadyExist, methodName}
      consultant.UID = getUID()
      const newBadge = await this.consultantDetailsRepository.create(consultant);
      return successHandler(this.res, 200, newBadge)
    } catch (error) {
      return this.failureHandler(this.res, 403, error)
  @response(200, baseResponse)
  async getConsultantBadges(@param.path.string('UID') UID: string): Promise<any> {
    let methodName = "getConsultantBadges"
    try {
      Iif (!UID) {
        throw {code: 400, message: errorMessages.requiredFieldIsMissing, methodName}
      const badges = await this.consultantDetailsRepository.find({where: {consultantUID: UID}})
      return successHandler(this.res, 200, badges)
    } catch (error) {
      return this.failureHandler(this.res, 422, error)
  // @del('/consultant/{UID}')
  // @log()
  // async deleteById(@param.path.string('UID') UID: string): Promise<Response> {
  //   try {
  //     await this.consultantDetailsRepository.deleteAll({UID});
  //     return successHandler(this.res, 200, successMessages.deletedSuccessfully)
  //   } catch (error) {
  //     return this.failureHandler(this.res, 403, error)
  //   }
  // }
  private failureHandler(res: Response, code: number, error: any): Promise<Response> {
    return failureHandler(res, code, error,