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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x | import {baseRequest, boolean, number, string} from "./utils" // Auth controller export const forgotPasswordReq = baseRequest({description: "just enter email will send OTP to given mail. isUser is nothing but the page they trying to do action", required: ["email"], properties: {email: string, isUser: boolean}, title: 'forgot Password'}) export const resetPasswordReq = baseRequest({description: "reset password with OTP sent to mail through forgot password api ", required: ["OTP", "password", 'confirmPassword'], properties: {OTP: number, confirmPassword: string, password: string}, title: 'Reset Password'}) export const signUpReq = baseRequest({description: "signup with email and password will return token. isUser is nothing but the page they trying to do action", required: ["email", "password", 'confirmPassword'], properties: {name: string, email: string, password: string, confirmPassword: string, roleId: string, image: string, isUser: boolean}, title: 'Signup'}) export const loginReq = baseRequest({description: "login with email and password will return token. isUser is nothing but the page they trying to do action", required: ["email", "password"], properties: {email: string, password: string, isUser: boolean}, title: 'Login'}) export const sendQuestionReq = baseRequest({description: "send if any comments or questions to", required: ["email", "comments"], properties: {email: string, comments: string}, title: 'API for send comments to SAW (contact us or FAQ other question)'}) export const verifyUserReq = baseRequest({description: "Verifying user through the email link, but we did not maintain any function for verified and non verified user", title: 'Verify User'}) export const createCustomLeadReq = baseRequest({description: "Custom lead from saw site", required: ["name", "email", 'comments', 'phone'], properties: {formName: string, name: string, email: string, comments: string, phone: string}}) |